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Behavioural Ecology, Conservation and Wildlife Management

About Me

Amandine Ramos

Thesis title: Social network, space use and collective decision-making process during group movements in European bison (Bison bonasus):  implications for Wildlife management. Available here

Since I was young, I am fascinated by social organisation of animal species, especially by how group members communicate and take optimal decisions for their survival. Thus, I naturally became interested in the leadership phenomenon during group movements and decision-making processes involved in.


For those purposes, I was focused on collective movements and space use of European bison during my Master. This first research project, in addition to the fundamental knowledge brought on the animal societies functioning, also allowed me to reflect about the potential applications that my results can have for bison conservation and herd management, the European bison being classified as vulnerable species in the IUCN Red List.


I then continued to focus on this thematic during my thesis, with the main aim of better understand the influence of individual characteristics on the propension to be a good leader and the role of social relationships in the joining process. These findings aimed to identify the typical profile of a leader to consider equiping this specific individual with a GPS virtual fences device, an innovative tool of herd management intending to replace conventional fences.


In other words, the principal goal of my works would be to make a clearer link between fundamental and applicated research, for instance taking into  account more systematically the ecological and social requirements of species to developt more appropriate and effective management methods such as virtual fences applied to leadership. This would be not only beneficial for animals species themselves, but also to ensure a better cohabitaton with human populations and their activities.

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Research Interests

Social organisation

Group composition and dynamics, structure of social network, social relationships...

Group decision-making processes

Coordination and synchronisation of individuals, consensus, group communication...

Leadership phenomenon

Collective movements, characteristics of leaders, pre-departure period and recruitment behaviours...

Wildlife management and Conservation 

Space use and habitat selection, management strategies, Rewilding landscapes, Human-Wildlife cohabitation


2014 - 2017

Ph.D in Behavioural Ecology, Conservation and Wildlife Management

University of Strasbourg (France)

2013 - 2014

Postgraduate diploma "Environment, Ecology and Evolution"

University of Angers (France)

2011 - 2013

Master degree "Ecophysiology and Ethology"

University of Strasbourg (France)

2008 - 2011

Bachelor degree ''Ecology and Biology of Organisms" 

University of Poitiers (France)

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