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Behavioural Ecology, Conservation and Wildlife Management


Journal Publications

C. Sueur, C. Kuntz, E. Debergue, B. Keller, F. Robic, F. Siegwalt-Baudin, C. Richer, A. Ramos and Marie Pelé. How do group composition changes affect social networks in Highland cattle (Bos taurus). In Prep.

A. Ramos, L. Manizan, E. Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Y. Kemp and C. Sueur. The social network structure of a semi-free roaming European bison herd (Bison bonasus). In prep

A. Ramos, L. Manizan, E. Rodriguez-Gonzalez, Y. Kemp and C. Sueur. How can leadership processes in European bison be used to improve the management of free-roaming herds? European Journal of Wildlife Research, 64: 18. DOI:10.1007/s10344-018-1175-0

C. Sueur, C. Kuntz, E. Debergue, B. Keller, F. Robic, F. Siegwalt-Baudin, C. Richer, A. Ramos and Marie Pelé. (2017). Leadership linked to group composition in Highland cattle (Bos taurus): Implications for livestock management. Applied Animal Behaviour. DOI:10.1016/j.applanim.2017.09.014.

A. Ramos, C. Sueur, O. Petit and C. Pasquaretta. (2016). Understanding space use and movement patterns in a herd of European Bison (Bison bonasus). PlosOne, 11(2):e0147404. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0147404.

A. Ramos, C. Sueur, O. Petit and C. Pasquaretta. (2015). Collective decision making during group movements in European bison, Bison bonasusAnimal Behaviour, 109:149-160. DOI : 10.1016/j.anbehav.2015.08.016.

Conferences and Seminars

A. Ramos. Presentation of the European bison reintroduction project on Kraansvlak area (Zuid-Kennemerland National Park, Netherlands). HOPE group seminar about the « Rewilding » in Europe. November 2017. Regional Natural Park of the Forêt d’Orient, France.

A. Ramos and C. Sueur. Collective decision-making process during group movements of European bison (Bison bonasus) in Mont-d’Azur Reserve and in National Park Zuid-Kennemerland. The XIV European Bison Conference. September 2016. BaÅ‚tów, Poland. Abstract available on:

A. Ramos and C. Sueur. Collective decision making during group movements in European and North American plain bison. The 8th European Conference of Behavioural Biology. July 2016. Vienna, Austria. Abstract available on:


A. Ramos. Le bison d’Europe : un animal très expressif ! Mini conferences for the event Les Animaux ont la Parole organized at Parc Animalier de Sainte-Croix. 19-21 May 2018. Rhodes, France. Program available on:

A. Ramos. Il y a-t-il un leader chez le bison d’Europe ? Oral presentation for the Pint of Science festival. 15 May 2018. Strasbourg, France. Program available on:

A. Ramos. Il y a-t-il un leader chez le bison d’Europe ? Public presentation at the European Popular University of Strasbourg. February 2017. Strasbourg, France.

A. Ramos. Leading the way. Biosphere Magazine. Issue 14, pp 24-31. February 2016. Article available on:

A. Ramos. Collective decision making during group movements in North-American plain bison (Bison bison). Oral presentation at the BEEPS Symposium. 24 September 2015. Strasbourg, France.

A. Ramos. Étude comparative des patterns et des mécanismes de mouvements collectifs chez les bisons d’Europe et les bisons d’Amérique du Nord. Oral presentation at the IPHC Student Symposium. 25 November 2014. Strasbourg, France.

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